

He is Risen

This week we had the opportunity to study about Christ's death and, more importantly, His resurrection. I have always wished that there was more information in the New Testament about Christ's resurrection, since this is one of the very purposes for His coming to this Earth. Some of the most beautiful words in all scripture are those spoken of in the four gospels:

"He is not here: for he is risen" 
(Matthew 28:6). 

I cannot read these words without putting myself in the place of those who walked and talked with Christ prior to His death. Although they were confused for a time after the resurrection of Christ, I can only begin to comprehend the joy and peace that they must have felt upon understanding the truth of the words spoken by the angel that Christ was risen and lived again.

And He didn't just live again. He lives.

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you usually will not see too much emphasis placed on Christ's death because we believe in a living Christ - one that loves each of us and understands each of us and is constantly waiting for us to reach out to Him. The meaning that this has had throughout my life is something that I cannot even begin to describe. 

Christ lives, guys. Do you understand what that means? Do you understand what is possible because Christ lives?

A couple of years ago, the Church released a video entitled "Because Of Him." I have made a habit of watching this video periodically because it serves as a beautiful reminder of what is possible because Christ lives. As you watch this, consider what is possible for you personally because the Savior lives and loves you.

For me, knowing that Christ lives again gives me hope.

It gives me hope that through Him, I can overcome any challenge that is thrown my way.

I have hope that, not only will I be able to endure anything, but I won't ever have to endure it alone because Christ understands me perfectly.

It gives me hope that those loved ones who have passed to the other side are not lost forever, but will also live again.

It gives me hope of new beginnings and clean slates - nothing that I do will stop Christ from loving me and nothing I do is so bad that I cannot repent and fix it.

Knowing that Christ lives again also testifies to me of the love that my Father in Heaven has for me. He has provided a way for me (and you, and you, and you) to return to Him again, regardless of the circumstances that we may face in our lives. Because He loves me, He wants me back. He wants all of us back because we are His children and He loves us more than we can ever comprehend.

And our older brother, Jesus Christ, loves us more than we can understand. He loves us enough that He suffered for our sins and was crucified and rose again, so that we will all live again too.

It has been such a wonderful experience to study the life of Christ in depth during this semester. I was reminded of the importance of studying the Savior's life throughout these past seven weeks and I am grateful for that opportunity that I had to study His words and His life.

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